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Just a few videos

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Just a few videos Empty Just a few videos

Post  Soul Tue May 15, 2012 2:29 pm

Hello everyone.

These are a few 9Dragons trailers incase you haven't seen them:
The first one is the epic trailer that everyone loved.


[video][/video] (some versions on YouTube of this video have voices,this one with a long awaited dub)

However,it is not much detailed.You can understand that the warrior dressed in blue garments is Jeng Li(Master Lingyun) and the worried woman is his love from Sacred Flower(Lunar Umbra/Nocturnal Sorceress).The most mysterious character is the man Lingyun fights.I have always though that the man is Jun Weiming,The Iron Fist and for the reason of their battle I could not figure out...
But here is the actual description from the video posted by GamesCampus on FaceBook:
"In this video you can find Master Lingyun the lost dragon of Wu-Tang Clan, one of the Soul Lords from the Heavenly Demon clan, and Saru Muha. Lingyun liked her so he was protecting her from the assassins from the Heavenly demon clan since Emperor Heavenly demon wanted her dead".

So we can suppose that Saru Muha is the actual name of Lingyun's love,another proof that the english version of the story written by He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is loosely based on the original.Or we can also suppose that GC doesn't actually know for sure,judging by the fact that this trailer was made before public launching of 9D ( confirmation needed) .So what were the odds of Lingyun and Jun Weiming having a conflict,maybe it is not canonical?


[video] [/video]- Heavenly Demon

[video][/video] - The Brotherhood of Thieves

[video][/video] - Wu-Tang

[video][/video] - The League of Beggars

[video][/video] - Sacred Flower

[video][/video] - Shaolin

[video][/video] - Storm vs. Storm

And these are on courtesy of Mr. Legend:

[video][/video] - Disciples of Iron Fist

[video][/video] - The Vagabond

Ahh,old times...

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Join date : 2011-11-17
Location : Romania

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