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9Dragons: Vagabond Content (by Vagabond Legend)

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9Dragons: Vagabond Content (by Vagabond Legend) Empty 9Dragons: Vagabond Content (by Vagabond Legend)

Post  Legend Thu Jun 27, 2024 11:42 am

I hereby release to the public the most important documents of my work on the 9Dragons "Vagabond Content" I did for the private server "9D Era".

All my work is my intellectual property, and no developer is granted any rights to use any of my work without my explicit say-so, neither official nor private.

NOTE: If you want to use my ideas, you're welcome to contact me and ask. However: Don't bother contacting me if all you want to offer me is money. I'm not interested in money. I'm interested in being part of a passionate team that strives to work on quality content and is capable of talking things out, NOT a greedy team that strives to make lots of money and allows toxic behavior and bottom-feeder to do whatever they please (and rather choose that shit instead of a passionate content creator).
The Vagabond

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9Dragons: Vagabond Content (by Vagabond Legend) Empty Re: 9Dragons: Vagabond Content (by Vagabond Legend)

Post  Legend Thu Jun 27, 2024 11:47 am

Here is an overview of the things I worked on and was still working on:

Legend wrote:9Dragons Era: Vagabond Content


- Map
- Faction "True Vagabond"
- Skills
- Relics & Accessoires
- Clothes
- Decos
- Creation of Hero Band
- Roads to the Dragon quests
- Roads to Enlightenment quests
- Daily Quests
- Vagabond Pet "Hawk"
- "True Vagabond" Epithet
- Vagabond Dungeon

In Detail:


The map where the "True Vagabond" faction is at home is Wanderer's Cave. It is a neutral
place, mainly for Vagabonds, Vagrants, Nomads, Wanderers, Hermits, Wayfarers, Ronins,
and all kinds of neutral travelers, but everyone may visit.

It can be entered through talking to the NPC "The Vagabond" in the 4th floor of The Cave
of The Conqueror.

Faction "True Vagabond":

A clanless Vagabond may join the faction "True Vagabond" at Elemental Crown 4. At that
level, a quest will become available in Hefei for all clanless players, leading one to the
NPC "The Vagabond" in CC4, and eventually to Wanderer's Cave, where one may join


Upon joining the faction "True Vagabond", one can learn specific Vagabond skills.

Relics & Accessoires, Clothes, Decos:

Relics & Accessoires, Clothes, and Decos uniquely for True Vagabonds can be acquired
through the NPCs in Wanderer's Cave, rewarded for doing quests, or be dropped.

Creation of Hero Band:

In Wanderer's Cave, True Vagabonds can create their own Hero Bands.

Roads to the Dragon quests:

Like each clan, the True Vagabond faction also has its own Roads to the Dragon quests.

Road to Enlightenment quests:

True Vagabonds also have their very own Roads to Enlightenment quests, in which the
questline title "Roads to Enlightenment" may very well become literal.

Daily Quests:

True Vagabonds will also have Daily Quest, through which one can collect resources for a
pet, a relic, or an epithet.

Vagabond Pet "Hawk":

By completing Daily Quests, a member of the True Vagabond faction can collect resources
to get a "Hawk" pet.

"True Vagabond" Epithet:

By completing Daily Quests, a member of the True Vagabond faction can collect resources
to get the "True Vagabond" epithet.

Vagabond Dungeon:

The NPC "Legend" can also be found at the Ma Mei Port in Liaodong, which can take one
into the "vagabond dungeon", Rough Seas.

Some side quests in Wanderer's Cave also lead one there.

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The Vagabond

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9Dragons: Vagabond Content (by Vagabond Legend) Empty Re: 9Dragons: Vagabond Content (by Vagabond Legend)

Post  Legend Thu Jun 27, 2024 11:53 am

The following is an excerpt of the Vagabond Role & Content PDF (questlines overview, to be more precise):

Legend wrote:Vagabond Main-Quests: Roads to the Dragon

Chapter 1: The Path Less Taken
  • Quest 1: The Vagabond
  • Quest 2: A Cause Worth Fighting For

Chapter 2: One Road Leads to Many
  • Quest 1: Visit the Leaders of the White Clans
  • Quest 2: Visit the Leaders of the Black Clans
  • Quest 3: The Neutral Clans

Chapter 3: Neutrality Maintains Balance
  • Quest 1: Removing the Evil Forces, Part 1: Death Valley (The Choice of Fate)
  • Quest 2: Removing the Evil Forces, Part 2: Valley of Hell (The Judgement of Hell)
  • Quest 3: Removing the Evil Forces, Part 3: The Dungeon of Conqueror
  • Quest 4: Removing the Evil Forces, Part 4: The Vault of Death
  • Quest 5: The Tenth Dragon
  • Quest 6: Removing the Evil Forces, Part 5: Golden Temple
  • Quest 7: Removing the Evil Forces, Part 6: Beast Palace
  • Quest 8: Removing the Evil Forces, Part 7: The School of Rising Sun
  • Quest 9: Removing the Evil Forces, Part 8: North Sea Icy Palace
  • Quest 10: Chi Kung, Part 1
  • Quest 11: Chi Kung, Part 2
  • Quest 12: Removing the Evil Forces, Part 9: King Jin's Dungeon
  • Quest 13: Removing the Evil Forces, Part 10: Kylin Altars
  • Quest 14: Removing the Evil Forces, Part 11: Black Temple

Chapter 4: Endless War or Endless Peace
  • Quest 1: Ending the Golden Coins Clan
  • Quest 2: Freeing the Four Gods
  • Quest 3: Defeating The Devas
  • Quest 4: Rising Vagabond Dragon
  • Quest 5: The Union of Noble Families
  • Quest 6: The Disciples of Iron Fist
  • Quest 7: Black Dragon Clan
  • Quest 8: Paradise or Oblivion

Vagabond Side-Quests: Road to Enlightenment

Legend Questline 1 (WIP Title “Neutrality”)
  • Quest 1: What We Fight For
  • Quest 2: Understanding Neutrality
  • Quest 3: The 10th Dragon
  • Quest 3: Roads To Enlightenment

Legend Questline 2 (WIP Title “Roads To Enlightenment”)
  • Quest 1: Peaceful Warrior
  • Quest 2: Spiritual Warrior
  • Quest 3: Good and Evil
  • Quest 4: The Balance of Yin and Yang
  • Quest 5: Karma
  • Quest 6: Know Thyself
  • Quest 7: The Monkey Mind
  • Quest 3: The Observer Behind the Mind
  • Quest 3: Observation and Presence
  • Quest 4: True Faith
  • Quest 5: Kundalini
  • Quest 6: Awakening
  • Quest 7: Oneness/The Universe
  • Quest 8: The Buddha

“Representative of The Union of Noble Families” Questline
  • Quest 1:
  • Quest 2:

“Representative of The Disciples of Iron Fist” Questline
  • Quest 1:
  • Quest 2:

Daily Quests
  • Quest 1: Hawk Eggs
  • Quest 2: True Vagabond
  • Quest 3: Vagabond Plate

Side-Quests in “Wanderer's Cave” available to everyone

Questline 1 (WIP Title “Legend's Ship”)
  • Quest 1: Legend's Ship
  • Quest 2: Ship's Cargo
  • Quest 3: Rough Seas

Daily Quests
  • Quest 1:
  • Quest 2:

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The Vagabond

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9Dragons: Vagabond Content (by Vagabond Legend) Empty Re: 9Dragons: Vagabond Content (by Vagabond Legend)

Post  Legend Thu Jun 27, 2024 11:57 am

The following is an excerpt of the Vagabond Dungeon "Rough Seas" PDF:

Legend wrote:Vagabond Dungeon: “Rough Seas”

Dungeon Concept
Overview & General Information
  • Dungeon Map Background Music
  • Dungeon Bosses
  • Dungeon Passes

  • Overview of the Ships in Ma Mei Port
  • Overview of the Ma Mei Port
  • Dungeon Entrance & Dungeon Passes NPC

Dungeon Map
Concept Ideas
  • Concept 1: Simple
  • Concept 2: Advanced
  • Concept 3: Expert
  • Concept “Special”

NPCs & Other 3D Models
  • The Chinese Brig
  • Pirate Mobs
  • Vortexes & Tornadoes
  • Dragons
  • The Dragon King/The Dragon God

Boss Drops
  • Background Information

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The Vagabond

Posts : 517
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Location : Earth

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9Dragons: Vagabond Content (by Vagabond Legend) Empty Re: 9Dragons: Vagabond Content (by Vagabond Legend)

Post  Legend Thu Jun 27, 2024 12:01 pm

Further work/ideas, based on the old lore:

Legend wrote:
  • Due to the "current leader" of the Disciples of Iron Fist clan being unknown, my idea was to use the following 3D model as the son of the deceased Iron Fist, Jun Weiming:

    9Dragons: Vagabond Content (by Vagabond Legend) Son-of-the-iron-fist

  • Due to the "current leader" of The Union of Noble Families clan being the old dragon and survivor of the War of the Nine Dragons, Nangong Hui, I was working on re-texturing the 3D model of the Jinan & Datong map boss Flowery Noble Face, Zhao Yuan Shao due to its huge similarity to Nangong Hui. The fan of the boss was also replaced.

    9Dragons: Vagabond Content (by Vagabond Legend) Nangong-hui

    I was still working on the jacket, and the face was not overworked yet.

The Vagabond

Posts : 517
Join date : 2010-08-23
Location : Earth

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